Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm here....

Hi everyone.  This is the first time in almost three weeks that I've had a chance to sign in. I was in the middle of moving out of my rat, roach and termite infested house and have finally settled into a gorgeous new place.  I have plenty of room for everything including my own writing desk and two brand new bookcases, which are already packed top to bottom.  Since the move I also haven't had a chance to sit down and write anything but that is my mission this week, to actually take time to write.  

On another note I found all of my lost stories...yay! I completely forgot that I had set my laptop to auto backup on a weekly basis and Norton saves the documents online so I was able to recover them.  Thankfully the only thing that is lost was my last set of edits from a month ago. That's including Second Chances who before the last edit was at a word count of 44,112.  So far the longest story I've written so far.

Oh, before I forget, I had a wild dream about a couple on a space station set in the future.  Thinking about maybe developing that into a story.  We'll see how that goes.  I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Mad, Sad and Frustrated

I just found out that my car was broken into and my backup hard drive with all of my stories was stolen along with the GPS and a few other material possessions.  To make matters worse I had already started to delete everything from my laptop because I was having it reformatted.  Thankfully I had about ten stories saved on a small USB drive but I still lost eight stories. 

This is the second time something like this has happened to me.  The first time was when my Sidekick crashed.  I was using it to write things on the go, whether on my lunch break or when we went camping last summer.  The damn thing crapped out on me before I was able to send everything to my email and TMobile wasn't able to recover anything.  I lost one entire chapter of a short and two story outlines that I had written on my Sidekick's notepad program.

I'm sad and frustrated.  Everything I had ever written was there including my manuscript for Second Chances.  I want to cry...thank fully I had that file backed up both on my USB drive and my e-mail. 

I know I can put them back together but I'm just thinking about all of the hours of work that were put into my stories.  My research files, my character bios, and all of my character inspiration pictures are all gone.

After I get some tequila treatment I'm going to get some sleep and when I wake up tomorrow morning (or afternoon) I'm going to sit down and write everything all over again. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


I'm back on the saddle and writing up a storm and it feels great.  I was inspired to write a short paranormal romance involving a small town of witches, wizards and warlocks a few weeks ago.  I'm not sure yet to what extent I will write the sex scenes for this story since most of my shorts have been very erotic but I have a feeling that this one might just be a straight up romance and although the basic plot is set out I'm still putting my outline together.

Witch craft and magic is not a subject that I know a lot about (only what I've seen in movies) so I've been doing a lot of research.  I want to get the basics so I could add my own creativeness to the story.  One of the books I'm reading is:

The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca and Neo-Paganism

The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca and Neo-Paganism  
It's very thorough and reads like a regular encyclopedia.  Everything can be found in alphabetical order and it provides plenty of pictures and diagrams and covers everything from Abracabra to the Zodiac.  
While researching for what is currently titled: Chloe & Blaez, A Witch Romance (I always separate my stories by character name and genre or story line until I give it a proper title) I'm also writing part II of my Birthday Fetish Party.   
I'm really excited about this story as it will my first menage and my first girl on girl scene as well.  Part II will be from Damian's POV and will mostly take place during the limousine ride to Whet.  Part III will be split between both of them but giving each the same amount of time to voice what they are experiencing.   This part will contain the girl on girl scene and takes place in the private room reserved for Kathryn's party.

If you get a chance to read let me know what you think.