Hey there ladies and gents;
I know I promised to update with more frequency but life has been hectic. Work has been busy as most law offices are and I'm still unpacking and getting my house presentable to humans and not just my dogs (how have decided to overrule the house) I'm proud to announce I've been writing and have submitted a story for possible publication. I will keep you posted on that.
Per usual my characters are have a good old time talking to me and I have taken some time to get their thoughts down in writing. I'm also trying to plot a new story together but I'm stuck on the conflict. I have the characters fully developed and the beginning of the story but need to throw a stick in there because there is no happily ever after without a little drama first to bring them together. Hahaha!
I'm also in the middle of planning my vacation in May, an 80's themed birthday party in mid June and a possible trip to Ohio for the Lori Foster Reader and Author Get Together.
What are you guys doing this summer? Any great plans? Any one going to any of the book conventions this year? Let me know.
Much Love,