Monday, May 09, 2011

Reader Request...

First and foremost I would like to wish all the mothers a happy belated Mother's day.  I hope everyone of you a wonderful, marvelous, stress free day.  If moms weren't around this world would be disastrous.  I know I would have never done my homework or chores without mom nagging me. LOL :)

I've been reading and writing a ton.  If you are following my Book Challenge from you will see that I've already read 69 books since January 1, 2011 and I'm three quarters done with book # 70.  After this book I'm taking a reading break and getting some serious writing done.  Since my move into the new house two months ago there has been very little writing going on.  I've created the outline for one story and some filler for another but nothing I would call substantial writing.  I have tons of ideas jumping around and screaming in my head to get out and they will all have their chance very soon.

On that note, I have received a request to write a soap opera style story for my blog and I've decided to do this with my Fetish Birthday Party story.  Chapter 1 is available for reading in my last post and I will posting again before the end of the week.  I don't think I will be able to post daily but weekly is completely doable with my schedule.

If you would like to receive e-mail whenever I update the posts please send me a message to riacruzauthor @ gmail . com (without the spaces) I will add you to the mailing list.

Ria Cruz

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